Tatamae and Honne

This was prompted by the wonderful The Queen Creative.

From Wikipedia:

Honne and tatemae are Japanese words that describe the contrast between a person’s true feelings and desires (本音 honne?) and the behavior and opinions one displays in public (建前 tatemae?, lit. “façade”).

I absolutely loved this prompt, I really enjoyed writing this, so thankyou very much.

1. Sent Up For Good (Tatemae)

I’m a convincing stranger.
My Englishness pulls at my
Starched white collar.
My fingers,
So piano fine and buttoned down,
are little sticks of ivory.
My spittle mouth brushes away
indigo blushes
of spent ink
and my hair
has a perfect parting
separated by
a red pencil
in the morning.
A little gentleman in
Tom Brown tails,
Nervously buttering bread.
Hammy, clipped,
Knows it off by heart,
(Lucien tells me that
He plans to get a new suit made).

2. Sent Down For Bad (Honne)

In my Prince’s bedchamber
My Englishness pulls at his
Starched white collar.
My fingers,
Like white-wine and goose down,
Flick with the
little kicks of bribery.
My little mouth flushes
with overflowing gushes
Of his spent ink
And my hair
Has an imperfect parting
Which will be separated
By a red pencil in the morning.
A little temperamental man in
Nude detail,
Gluttonously giving head.
Jammy lipped,
The School Tart,
(Lucien tells me that
he plans to fuck a maid).